Wow, does time fly!!?!? Ryder is 14 months old now and FULL OF LIFE! He is trying to run all over the place now, he tries to walk backwards, and around in circles, until he gets dizzy and falls down! When he falls down he gets right back up and says "Ta-Down!" and throws his arms above his head!
Ryder LOVES his KK and gets so excited everytime we talk about her! KK was the 1st person besides me to get a kiss on the mouth from Ryder!
He is saying all sorts of things now... he will just go on and on talking in jibberish about a rock or his stuffed puppy and kitten... and then THERE ARE REAL WORDS!!
Some things he can say by 14 months are:
Hey There!
I see you!
Want see that one!
Bye bye
Dog (sounds like DOCK!)
Kii-kii (Kitty)
Bubba (his do-dah)
All Done
Mama (Hardly EVER! Whats up with that?)
Seep (sleep)
Ight (light)
T (t.v.)
Brrrrrr (anything with wheels)
Fowr (flower)
Ta-Du (thank you)
Nack (snack)
I think he's doing pretty darn good! Ryder is the sweetest little boy ever! I wake to him around 8 every morning... I hear him talking to Scout the dog over the monitor and he is always just so happy! We get up and watch cartoons in my bed and he just lays on my until he finished his morning milk and then it is PLAYTIME!! He loves trucks and balls! And books and animals! He get so excited anytime a dog or cat comes around he just squeals with glee and doesn't know how to express his excitement! He will very slowly lean down and hug the cat/dog around the neck and gently pat them on the back and he loves to give kisses to them! He also loves dog slob all over his face. Gross.
We just went to Ft. Walton Beach for my Spring Break and he had the best time ever! A girl that was in a pagent stopped to give him her lay, the bartender made special shakes for him and we found out he LOVES cherries! He holds them by the stem and just pops them off in his mouth! (We got cups of cherries) When we 1st went down to the ocean, he FREAKED out in the sand. I was so worried that the trip was a terrible mistake adn he was going to be miserable. He HATED the sand sticking to his hands and feet and kept trying to brush his hands off. He had a hard time walking in the sand too, but boy when we went to the waters edge, he forgot all about that and wanted to go clear to Mexico! He wasnt afraid of the water AT ALL and soon loved the sand too!